MOS - made in italy

Wood is a great material, that we all know from the childhood... it is part of the history of humanity, in the constructions and in the furnitures.
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Lucidatura Mobili Verona

"There's a Country in the world where every product is a piece of Artwork. The Passion of secular traditions comes to us through generations."

italian furniture lacquer - Verona

Choosing the brand "MOS VALORE LEGNO" we wanted to point out our Mission, to ennoble the wood, which is a great material in all its essences, trying to make it alive and personalized.

The wood, in all its shapes, exists as piece of furniture in all our homes. Through the process of painting and lacquering we will further exalt its natural beauty.

Located near the historic city of Verona, MOS VALORE LEGNO performs, with the typical italian quality and passion, the lacquering of the italian furniture, fulfilling every request of the customer giving even more value to every single piece of furniture.
Lucidatura Mobili Verona

"Our experience and technology are used to make an high quality furniture lacquering, with Professionalism and Customer Care."